lunes, agosto 26


Lo barroco estaba destinado, desde su nacimiento, a la ambigüedad, a la difusión semántica. Fue la gruesa perla irregular -en español barrueco o berruecco-, quizá la excrecencia, el quiste, lo que prolifera, al mismo tiempo libre y lítico, tumoral, verrugoso; quizá el nombre de un alumno de los Carracci, demasiado sensible y hasta amanerado -Le Baroche o Barocci (1528-1612)-; quizá, filología fantástica, un antiguó término mnemotécnico de la escolástica, un silogismo -Baroco. Finalmente, para el catálogo denotativo de los diccionarios, amontonamientos de banalidad codificada, lo barroco equivale a "bizarrería chocante" -Littré-, o a "lo estrambótico, la extravagancia y el mal gusto"-Martínez Amador.

jueves, agosto 22


It is true, in fact, that we can look on being outside our limits but only by breaking them an indeed by identifying ourselves with such a break. We can do this thanks to the fact that being from the beginning is also lacking with regard to itself, since the foundation of things isn't constituted by a substance but rather by an originary opening. We gain access to it, to this void, in the limit experiences that distance us from ourselves, that distance us from being the masters of our own experience. (Roberto Esposito, Communitas: The Origin and Destiny
of Community)

jueves, agosto 15

Growing together

He grew to be a mighty warrior in the earth.

In fact, he was a mighty hunter before the Lord.

Kingship descended from heaven to this soil. 

martes, agosto 13

damn hippies

Mil valiums que tomar...

martes, agosto 6


He's leaving with another girl and I just can't do nothing. Why can't I keep him?

- ¿Cómo te puedes coger a una sirena?
- No lo sé, ya lo intentaste y no se pudo, ¿no?
- Imagino besarla, sintiendo como las mantarrayas.

Grapes and wine. Beer, something to eat. Fruits. Vegetables. Lemonpie.