lunes, noviembre 30


La joven pareja es demasiado atractiva. Él es su protegido aunque ella sea menor que él. Esta noche decide darse una escapada, se observa en la pantalla de su computador, el cabello le crece demasiado rápido. Se percibe fuerte y varonil y con ganas de ponerse un sombrero. Su tatuaje en el hombro es ondulante como los cabellos negros de la mujer adolescente que conoció en el bar. Lulle, su esposa, es de un rostro radiante y sonrisa infantil. Siempre se ha sentido atraído por aquellas mujeres de actitud auténticamente minúscula, pulcra y dadivosa porque le da cierta idea de armonía que dota de estabilidad a su vida nomádica. La mujer del bar ha salido de su apartamento y espera un Uber que la llevará a la cita romántica con aquel hombre. Mientras espera, se vuelve a preguntar si Bruce LaBruce tiene razón al hacer gritar a una mujer que la heterosexualidad es el opio de todas las masas. Hoy su vagina está irritada, quizá sea por tanto movimiento mecánico.

(The Revolution is my boyfriend The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend  The Revolution is my boyfriend)

- ¿Se de la vuelta aquí por favor? 

viernes, noviembre 27

viernes, noviembre 13


Cheat death with me...

lunes, noviembre 9


While we dinne some helpless monster begin to crawl and approaches us. I see it, I don't wanna cry but I just can't continue eating. I see your face, no expression at all. We are in this old fashioned restaurant full of big mirrors and I tell you I wanna go upstairs to see the view. We go inside the elevator, we go upstairs, until the ninth floor, we go out even if it's not allowed to be there. It's been four thousand million years back that Callisto's orbit suddenly turned wider. A new planet was born, it was an ice giant mass. Callisto's orbit will not go back to its original position never again. We look at the sky, it's like little yellow crystals between the polluted clouds, you tell me they're yellow sapphires with seven faces.

I will have to go back home and try to have some wisdom to understand this long-distance travel that lasts for a few days (Jupiter spents a year in each sign of the zodiac). I try to be enthusiastic, always helping daemons in the war against gods, but there's no specific war in this geometry of love. It's so confusing to be surrounded by religious people while somebody sends me (from an unknown number) an SMS saying that they have already bought a mortsafe for you. I start to think about which of the cosmic bodies I know sent me this crap. You don't even want to be buried in a coffin made of wood. You have told me that you wanted your ashes to be thrown in Miami Beach, that you love details and optimism and that you will not die at least in the next six months because you believe in long-term sextiles, and that the second encounter between us will be just perfection even if we are sixty degrees appart.

I will always be in the urge for more. I'm looking for new inspiration now. Like this girl with red gloves and a tattoo on her back saying "Welcome to paradise".  Everything is about sharing pleasures with significant others. By now I can say that I have inside myself a mixture of pleasure and sorrow that will not affect seriously. I have some domestic affairs to generously work in, our hauntology software is slowly being developed and I need to stay aware of the power cuts. We stay looking at the view just for a couple of minutes. You stare at the sky as if you were thinking of Miami Beach. You take a picture with your cellphone, it's fantastic this new era urbanscape with all those sad and decayed buildings. We go back downstairs, the disgusting monster disappeared, crawling as it came, crawling as if it were us together.